Career Counselling & Placement Assistance Services by RKCL: Empowering Your Future

Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited (RKCL) is committed to not just providing quality education but also ensuring that its learners successfully transition into the workforce. To fulfill this promise, from July 2024, RKCL has launched a free Career Counselling & Placement Assistance Service exclusively for learners who have successfully completed RKCL’s various job-oriented courses. This initiative is designed to support learners aged 18 and above in navigating the job market, building a successful career, and achieving their professional goals.

This unique initiative from RKCL includes following major aspects -

  • 1.

    Screening Candidate Data: RKCL's Placement Assistance Service begins with a thorough screening of candidate data. This involves analysing the academic performance, skills acquired during the course, and any previous work experience. The screening helps in identifying the strengths, weaknesses, and career interests of each learner, enabling a tailored approach to their career development.

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    One-to-One Career Counselling: Learners are provided with dedicated career counsellors who guide them through the entire job search process. The one-to-one counselling sessions are designed to understand the individual aspirations of the learners, address their concerns, and provide personalized advice. This direct interaction ensures that each learner receives focused attention and support.

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    Personalized Career Path Design: Based on the insights gathered during counselling sessions, a Personalized Career Path is designed for each learner. This plan outlines the steps they need to take to reach their career goals, including further skill development, potential job roles, and industries that align with their strengths and interests. The personalized approach ensures that learners are on the right track to achieving their professional aspirations.

  • 4.

    Resume Building & Improvement: A well-crafted resume is crucial in making a strong first impression on potential employers. RKCL offers comprehensive Resume Building and Improvement services, where experts help learners create a resume that effectively highlights their skills, qualifications, and experience. This service is aimed at making learners’ resumes stand out in the competitive job market.

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    Job Portal for Learners: To facilitate job searches, learners are provided with access to a dedicated Job Portal. This portal is curated to include job opportunities that match the learners’ profiles. With personalized logins, learners can communicate with RKCL career counsellors, apply for jobs, track applications, and stay updated on new openings, making the job search process more efficient and organized.

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    AI-Based Mock Interviews & Video-Based Assessments: RKCL leverages the power of technology to prepare learners for real-world interviews. The service includes AI-Based Mock Interviews & Video-Based Assessments that simulate actual interview conditions backed by a rich set of questionnaire from across various job domains & industries. These tools provide immediate feedback on performance, helping learners to refine their communication skills, body language, and responses, thereby boosting their confidence for the actual interviews.

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    Interview Preparations: In addition to mock interviews, learners receive comprehensive one-to-one support in Interview Preparation. This includes tips on how to handle common interview questions, dress code advice, and strategies to stay calm and composed during interviews. The goal is to ensure that learners are well-prepared and confident when facing potential employers.

  • 8.

    Job Searching & Mapping as per Candidate Preferences: RKCL's service includes Job Searching and Mapping tailored to each learner’s preferences, such as location, industry, and job role. This personalized approach ensures that learners are connected with job opportunities that align with their career aspirations, making the job search process more targeted and effective. RKCL offers job opportunities for both within Rajasthan & outside Rajasthan state.

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    Employer Liaisoning: RKCL in partnership with a placement agency has established strong connections with various employers across different industries. The Employer Liaisoning service bridges the gap between learners and potential employers, facilitating direct communication and increasing the chances of successful placements.

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    Actual Interview Conductions: RKCL not only prepares learners for interviews but also assists in scheduling and conducting Actual Interviews with prospective employers. This hands-on support ensures that learners are not left to navigate the job market alone but have a structured pathway to secure employment. Actual interviews are conducted based on candidate’s job readiness & interests.

  • 11.

    Job Offer Tracking: Once interviews are conducted, RKCL provides Job Offer Tracking services to keep learners informed about the status of their applications. This service ensures that learners are promptly notified of any job offers, enabling them to make timely decisions regarding their career. RKCL, however, does not negotiate on salaries. Salaries are solely offered based on employer discretion & candidate's skill level/experience.

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    Joining Formalities: Finally, RKCL also helps with Joining Formalities which includes guidance on documentation, onboarding processes, and any other formalities required by the employer. By helping learners navigate these final steps, RKCL ensures a smooth transition into their new job roles.

Major Benefits for Learners

The Free Career Counselling & Placement Assistance Service by RKCL offers numerous benefits for learners:

  • Tailored Career Support: Learners receive personalized guidance and support that is specific to their skills, interests, and career goals.

  • Enhanced Job Readiness: Through resume building, interview preparation, and AI-based assessments, learners are well-prepared to face the job market.

  • Targeted Job Opportunities: Learners have access to job opportunities that match their preferences, increasing their chances of finding a suitable role.

  • Streamlined Placement Process: From screening to joining formalities, the entire placement process is managed and streamlined by RKCL, reducing the stress and uncertainty of job hunting.

  • Increased Employability: With the backing of RKCL’s strong industry connections and employer liaisoning, learners have a higher likelihood of securing employment.

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