Python Programming Advanced

RKCLs Python Programming Advanced course (Code - RCAPP) is designed for individuals with a solid understanding of basic Python who are ready to deepen their expertise and tackle more complex programming challenges. This course explores advanced Python concepts such as object-oriented programming, decorators, generators, and context managers, as well as delving into topics like concurrency, multithreading, and performance optimization. Participants will also learn to work with popular libraries and frameworks to build sophisticated applications and perform data analysis. Through in-depth projects and real-world scenarios, you'll develop the skills to write efficient, maintainable code and address advanced programming problems. By the end of the course, you'll be well-prepared to leverage Python's full potential in professional and research environments, setting the stage for a successful career in software development or data science.

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1. All About Python (Basic)

2. Python Installation and Environment Setup (Basic)

3. Writing first program in python (Basic)

4. Syntax of python (Basic)

5. Data type and Data Structures (Basic)

6. Advance Containers from collection module (Advanced)

7. Control Statements (Basic)

8. Looping in Python (Basic)

9. Functions in Python (Basic)

10. Advance Functions in Python (Advanced)

11. Closures and Decorators in Python (Advanced)

12. OOPS (Advanced)

13. Advance OOPS (Advanced)

14. Implementation of Data Structures in Python (Basic)

15. Generators & Iterators in Python (Advanced)

16. Exception Handling (Advanced)

17. File Handling (Advanced)

18. Data Serialization (Advanced)

19. Installing Third Party Modules in Python (Basic)

20. Database Connectivity (Advanced)

21. Python Installation and Environment Setup (Advanced)

22. Modules and Packages in Python (Advanced)

23. Standard Library in Python (Advanced)

24. Graphical User Interface using Tk (Advanced)

25. Virtual Environment (Advanced)

26. APIs (Advanced)

27. Working with Images with Python

28. Emails with Python

29. Core Python Projects