Python Programming Basic

RKCLs Python Programming Basic course (Code - RCBPP) is designed for individuals new to programming who want to learn one of the most versatile and beginner-friendly programming languages. Python is renowned for its simplicity and readability, making it an excellent choice for those starting their coding journey. This course covers fundamental concepts such as variables, data types, control structures, functions, and basic error handling. Through hands-on exercises and practical projects, participants will gain a solid understanding of Python's syntax and core programming principles. By the end of the course, you'll be equipped with the foundational skills needed to write simple Python programs, solve basic programming problems, and prepare for more advanced topics in computer science.

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1. All About Python (Basic)

2. Python Installation and Environment Setup (Basic)

3. Writing first program in python (Basic)

4. Syntax of python (Basic)

5. Data type and Data Structures (Basic)

6. Advance Containers from collection module (Advanced)

7. Control Statements (Basic)

8. Looping in Python (Basic)

9. Functions in Python (Basic)

10. Implementation of Data Structures in Python (Basic)

11. Installing Third Party Modules in Python (Basic)

12. Core Python Projects